Come and join us for a day of magic, nostalgia, and a touch of Italian warmth.
This is one tradition your family will treasure!
Unitevi a noi! Bring your little ones and celebrate the timeless Italian tradition of La Befana, a magical event that promises to delight children and families alike.
Step into a heartwarming atmosphere filled with lively musica italiana and immerse yourself in captivating tales of La Befana and other cherished Italian holiday traditions. The highlight? Meeting La Befana herself! With her rustic broom in hand, she’ll sweep away the holiday season while sharing sweet dolcetti with all our little Farinolio foodies. Limited stockings will be available, so arrive early to secure a special treat!
We are especially grateful to welcome this year’s Befana, the wonderful Miss Molly Barber! Many will remember her as “Miss Molly” of Romper and Friends, the beloved children’s program on WWOR-TV that brought smiles from 1981 to 1994. A proud Westfield resident for over 35 years, Miss Molly has been a devoted fan of Farinolio since we opened our doors.
LA BEFANA IN ITALY: In Italy, La Befana is a treasured tradition celebrated on the night of January 5th, marking the Epiphany. She holds a special place in the hearts of children, symbolizing the joy and magic of the holiday season.
As the story goes, La Befana flies from house to house on her broomstick, leaving treats and small surprises in stockings or shoes for good children to discover on the morning of January 6th. But her magic is more than just the sweets—it’s about the traditions she inspires. From hanging stockings to sharing stories, families come together to create unforgettable memories, fostering a deep connection to Italian culture.
For generations, La Befana has been a symbol of familiarità, togetherness, and the wonder of the season, enriching homes across Italy with her charm and bringing families closer.
Non vediamo l’ora di vedervi!